Prof. Wei organized “MOE 5th Active Aging Learning Education Contribution Award” ceremony

Prof. Wei organized “MOE 5th Active Aging Learning Education Contribution Award” ceremony

Prof. Wei organized “MOE 5th Active Aging Learning Education Contribution Award” ceremony


The 5th Active Aging Learning Education Contribution Award ceremony and 2021 Active Aging Forum Program of the Ministry of Education (MOE) was launched on the 16th of December 2021 in the National Central Library. Wei Hui-Chuan, professor of the Department of the Adult and Continuing Education, helped organize this important event. 

It aimed to share the experience of winners, how they provide the service in local communities and promote education for the elderly successfully. It also aimed to investigate trends of research and development of active aging in Taiwan, to encourage forward-thinking strategies to develop active aging and lifelong learning, to have bigger impacts, to gather experiences of all participants, to improve through learning. to contribute to the society and to make contributions and increase values of aging learning in Taiwan.

Lin Teng-Chiao, the Administrative Deputy Minister of MOE, was the presenter of this ceremony, who awarded the Extraordinary Leadership Award to 12 winners, 16 Great Teaching Award winners, Voluntary Contribution Award to 10 volunteers, 10 Great Leaders Award winners, 4 Group Awards and 7 Excellency Awards. There were in total 476 participants in this event.