

 姓名 潘璿安老師
 職稱 專案助理教授
最高學歷 國立陽明交通大學博士
E-mail sophiapan@ccu.edu.tw
分機 26164
個人網站 https://sophia-pan.com
主修 數位教育
專長領域 數位教學設計、發展與評鑑、學術倫理與研究誠信教育、資訊社會中的學術出版倫理














學 位




博 士




學    士






職 稱










職 稱











人文與社會科學研究中心 博士後研究員 2020/08 – 2020/10

Washington University in St. Louis

Department of Medicine 博士後研究員 2019/08 – 2020/06


人文與社會科學研究中心 博士後研究員 2018/11 – 2019/07

University of California, San Diego

Department of Pathology 訪問博士生 2016/04 – 2017/04




職 稱


Accountability in Research: Ethics, Integrity and Policy (SCIE, Q1) Editorial Board




  1. 2018 科技部108年度補助赴國外從事博士後研究(Department of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis)
  2. 2017 Poster Award: Third Prize, The 5th World Conference on Research Integrity
  3. 2017 Annual Integrity Awards─Research Integrity Award: Graduate Student Recipient, University of California San Diego
  4. 2015 科技部 105 年度補助博士生赴國外研究(epartment of Pathology, University of California, San Diego)
  5. 2011第六屆龍騰微笑競賽 參獎
  6. 2011中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會 100 年榮譽會員



  1. Chou, C., Pan, S. J.-A., & Hsueh, M.-L. (2023). Assessment criteria for research misconduct: Taiwanese researchers’ perceptions. Accountability in Research—Ethics, Integrity and Policy, 30(8), 613–632.https://doi.org/10.1080/08989621.2022.2071155.IF: 3.4. Rank: 3/16 (Q1), Top 18.75% of SCIE—Medical Ethics in 2022 JCR metrics.

  2. 潘璿安(2022)。開放取用巨型期刊的發展、同儕審查制度與學術界的因應作法。教育資料與圖書館學,59(3),311–346。https://doi.org/10.6120/JoEMLS.202211_59(3).0024.OR.AM。【2022年評比TSSCI教育學門第一級期刊;本人為通訊作者】 

  3. 潘璿安(2022)。預印本之出版倫理與其在COVID-19肺炎疫情下之知識傳播影響力。教育資料與圖書館學,59(1),35–71。https://doi.org/10.6120/JoEMLS.202203_59(1).0040.OR.BM。【2022年評比TSSCI教育學門第一級期刊;本人為通訊作者】 

  4. 周倩、潘璿安、呂瑞蓮(2022)。引領學術研究:臺灣TSSCI期刊之發表相關規範初探。圖書資訊學刊,20(2),95–127。https://doi.org/10.6182/jlis.202212_20(2).095。【2022年評比TSSCI教育學門第一級期刊】 

  5. 周倩、潘璿安(2022)。美國國家科學基金會研究違失案件之分類與處置:1989―2019年。圖書資訊學刊,20(1),69–99。https://doi.org/10.6182/jlis.202206_20(1).069。【2022年評比TSSCI教育學門第一級期刊;本人為通訊作者】 

  6. 潘璿安(2022)。臺灣學術倫理教育資源綜述。教育研究月刊341,4–24。https://doi.org/10.53106/168063602022090341001。【邀稿論文,經主編審查;本人為通訊作者】 

  7. Pan, S. J.-A. (2021). Taiwanese and American graduate students’ misconceptions regarding responsible conduct of research: A cross-national comparison using a two-tier test approach. Science and Engineering Ethics, 27, article 20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-021-00297-7.【IF: 3.777, Rank: 2/62 (Q1), Top 3.23% of SCIE—History & Philosophy of Science in 2021 JCR metrics; Corresponding Author】 

  8. Pan, S. J.-A., & Chou, C. (2020). Taiwanese researchers’ perceptions of questionable authorship practices: An exploratory study. Science and Engineering Ethics, 26, 1499–1530. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-020-00180-x.【IF: 3.525, Rank: 3/63 (Q1), Top 4.76% of SCIE—History & Philosophy of Science in 2020 JCR metrics; Corresponding Author】 

  9. 周倩、潘璿安(2020)。學術寫作之新倫理議題「自我抄襲」:內涵演進、真實案例、現行規範與預防之道。圖書資訊學刊,18(2),43–72。http://doi.org/10.6182/jlis.202012_18(2).043。【2022年評比TSSCI教育學門第一級期刊】 

  10. 薛美蓮、潘璿安、周倩(2020)。台灣研究人員學術倫理概念調查研究之初探:以科技部公布之學術抄襲、未適當引註及自我抄襲概念為例。教育資料與圖書館學,57(2),149–185。https://doi.org/10.6120/JoEMLS.202007_57(2).0042.RS.BM。【2022年評比TSSCI教育學門第一級期刊】 

  11. 薛美蓮、潘璿安、周倩(2019)。淺談學術倫理案件處分之審酌內容。臺灣教育評論月刊,8(12), 68–75。http://www.ater.org.tw/journal/article/8-12/free/01.pdf。 

  12. Pan, S. J.-A., & Chou, C. (2015). Using a two-tier test to examine Taiwanese graduate students’ misunderstanding of responsible conduct of research. Ethics & Behavior, 25(6), 500–527. https://doi.org/10.1080/10508422.2014.987921.【IF: 0.897, Rank: 27/51 (Q3), Top 52.94% of SSCI—Ethics in 2015 JCR metrics; First Author】 

  13. 張瓊穗、翁婉慈、潘璿安(2011)。「問題引導學習」策略融入數位學習訓練教材之發展與評鑑─以便利商店門市新進員工訓練為例。教學科技與媒體,96,63–80。 



  1. 潘璿安(2025年3月6–7日)。以教育數位敘事增進學術倫理教學:設計、實施與反思碼〔海報發表〕。第二十屆台灣數位學習發展研討會,嘉義市,臺灣。【通訊作者】 
  2. Pan, S. J.-A. (2024, June 2−5). Aligning research integrity with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in undergraduate programs: Challenges and solutions [Conference oral presentation]. The 8th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI), Athens, Greece (Hybrid).【Corresponding Author】 

  3. Pan, S. J.-A. (2023, March 31). Teaching research integrity: An educational digital storytelling approach facilitated by multimedia [Conference oral presentation]. The 32nd Annual Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) International Conference, Portland, OR, United States [One-day Virtual Conference]. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7754930.【Corresponding Author】 

  4. Chou, C., & Pan, S. J.-A. (2023, March 20−March 22). Design and development of a research integrity curriculum for high school students: A systematic approach [Conference poster presentation]. The 5th 2023 Asia Pacific Research Integrity (APRI) Network Meeting, Tokyo, Japan (Hybrid).  

  5. Tsai, P.-S., Pan, S. J.-A., & Chou, C. (2023, March 20−March 22). Design and development of an online curriculum of research integrity for higher education students and researchers in Taiwan: A systematic approach [Conference poster presentation]. The 5th 2023 Asia Pacific Research Integrity (APRI) Network Meeting, Tokyo, Japan (Hybrid). 

  6. Pan, S. J.-A. (2022, May 29−June 1). Teaching research integrity through what students have known: The implementation of educational diagnostic assessments [Keynote address]. The 7th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI), Cape Town, South Africa (Hybrid). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6582846.【Corresponding Author】 

  7. Pan, S. J.-A. (2022, May 29−June 1). East Asian graduate students’ experiences of scholarly authorship in biological and biomedical sciences research: Preliminary results [Conference oral presentation]. The 7th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI), Cape Town, South Africa (Hybrid). 【Corresponding Author】 

  8. Chou, C., & Pan, S. J.-A. (2022, May 29−June 1). Research integrity education for junior researchers: The development of RCR curriculum for Taiwan high school students [Conference poster presentation]. The 7th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI), Cape Town, South Africa (Hybrid). 

  9. Chou, C., Wang, S., Kao, C.-L., & Pan, S. J.-A. (2022, May 29−June 1). The use of gamification in RCR education: Design, development, and evaluation [Conference poster presentation]. The 7th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI), Cape Town, South Africa (Hybrid). 

  10. Pan, S. J.-A. (2022, March 1–3). Supporting research integrity administrators’ professional decision-making: Taiwan’s experience [Conference oral presentation]. The Inaugural Virtual International Convention for Research Administrators (VICRA 2022), Society of Research Administrators International (SRAI), Virginia, USA [Virtual Conference].【Corresponding Author】 

  11. Pan, S. J.-A. (2021, February 25). Preventing research misconduct through education: The 2020 plagiarism case [Plenary presentation]. The 4th 2021 Asia Pacific Research Integrity (APRI) Network Meeting, Seoul, Korea [Virtual Conference]. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6352231.【Corresponding Author】 

  12. Pan, S. J.-A. (2020, February 20–23). The first decade of RCR education in Taiwan: Reflection from an early-career scholar [Panel presentation]. The 29th Annual Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) International Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.【Corresponding Author】 

  13. Pan, S. J.-A., & Chou, C. (2019, June 2–5). Taiwanese and US graduate students’ alternative concepts of responsible conduct of research: A comparison study [Conference oral presentation]. The 6th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI), Hong Kong.【Corresponding Author】 

  14. Chou, C., Pan, S. J.-A., & Kao, C.-L. (2019, June 2–5). Perception of research integrity on Taiwan university campuses: A comparison of administrators, faculties, and students [Conference oral presentation]. The 6th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI), Hong Kong. 

  15. Pan, S. J.-A., Chou, C., & Kao, C.-L. (2017, May 28–31). The changes to the institutional research climate before and after the implementation of a nationwide research ethics education project in Taiwan [Conference poster presentation]. The 5th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI), Amsterdam, Netherlands.【Poster Award: Third Prize; Corresponding Author】 

  16. Chou, C., Pan, S. J.-A., & Lin C.-H. (2017, May 28–31). Can humorous visuals enhance college students’ learning performance and interest in research ethics? [Conference oral presentation]. The 5th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI), Amsterdam, Netherlands.  

  17. Chou, C., Pan, S. J.-A., & Kao, C.-L. (2017, February 20–22). Evidence-based development of a research ethics course in Taiwan [Conference oral presentation]. The 2nd 2017 Asian Pacific Rim Research Integrity (APRI) Network Meeting, Hong Kong.  

  18. Pan, S. J.-A., & Chou, C. (2016, July 24–29). Graduate students’ attitudes toward academic integrity (AI): The perceptions of social needs, involvement of AI issues, and support of misconduct-prevented actions [Conference oral presentation]. The 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan. The abstract was published in the Special Issue: International Journal of Psychology, 51(S1), 571.【Corresponding Author】 



  1. 周倩、潘璿安(2024)。研究誠信:教育推展、數位議題與案例省思。高等教育出版。


  1. 潘璿安、周倩(2020)。第十章 作者定義及排序原則。在周倩(主編),學術工作者的必修學分:學術倫理及研究誠信(頁139–148)。高等教育出版。https://doi.org/10.3966/9789862662076.
  2. 潘璿安、周倩(2020)。第十一章 研究資料管理概述。在周倩(主編),學術工作者的必修學分:學術倫理及研究誠信(頁149–168)。高等教育出版。
  3. 周倩、潘璿安、朱家嶠(2020)。第一章 研究倫理定義與內涵。在周倩(主編),學術工作者的必修學分:學術倫理及研究誠信(頁1–19)。高等教育出版。
  4. 周倩、潘璿安(2020)。第二章 研究倫理的專業規範與個人責任。在周倩(主編),學術工作者的必修學分:學術倫理及研究誠信(頁21–37)。高等教育出版。
  5. 周倩、潘璿安(2020)。第三章 研究倫理的規範與政策。在周倩(主編),學術工作者的必修學分:學術倫理及研究誠信(頁39–55)。高等教育出版。
  6. 周倩、潘璿安(2020)。第四章 不當研究行為之定義與類型。在周倩(主編),學術工作者的必修學分:學術倫理及研究誠信(頁57–74)。高等教育出版。
  7. 周倩、潘璿安(2020)。第五章 造假與變造研究資料。在周倩(主編),學術工作者的必修學分:學術倫理及研究誠信(頁75–88)。高等教育出版。
  8. 周倩、潘璿安(2020)。第七章 自我抄襲:未經授權重複發表研究成果或重複申請計畫。在周倩(主編),學術工作者的必修學分:學術倫理及研究誠信(頁99–111)。高等教育出版。



  1. 潘璿安(2021)。在對與對之間的抉擇:融入教育數位敘事策略與專業決策素養之學術倫理課程的發展與實施。國家科學及技術委員會專題研究計畫(執行期限:2021年6月1日至2023年12月31日)。【計畫主持人】 

  2. 潘璿安(2016)。大規模網路開放式課程MOOCs於研究倫理教育之應用:以設計及發展符合臺灣高等教育學生需求之中文網路學習課程為例。科技部105年度補助博士生赴國外研究(執行期限:2016年4月至2017年4月)。【計畫主持人】 

  3. 潘璿安(2019)。新手計畫主持人之指導策略課程:需求分析及多路徑道德決策之數位教材設計。科技部108年度補助赴國外從事博士後研究(執行期限:2019年8月至2020年6月)。【計畫主持人】 



  1. Pan, S. J.-A. (2023). Concept cartoons on research integrity: Ten illustrations [Teaching material]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7894462.【英文圖卡教材,通訊作者】 

  1. 潘璿安(2022)。學術倫理案例情境:作者列名篇(CH-Version 1.0版)。Zenodo。https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7145980。【中文情境式圖文測驗題,通訊作者】 

  1. 潘璿安(2021)。給大學生的參考手冊——在高等教育課堂中實踐學術誠信。教育部臺灣學術倫理教育資源中心。https://ethics.moe.edu.tw/files/resource/ebook/file/ebook_02_cn.pdf。【中文電子書,通訊作者】





